The Latest
Book: Talking to Robots, Tales from Our Human-Robot Futures (Dutton/Penguin, out in 2019)
Book: When I’m 164: The science of radical life extension and what happens if it succeeds (TED)
Video: Interview with Vinod Khosla and Dean Ornish on “The future of humans technology” (Arc Fusion Dinner)
The Next Best Version of Me
MIT Technology Review
Can AI Keep You Healthy?
MIT Technology Review
Poll on Human Enhancement Shows Divided Public
How far would you go to make yourself “better”?
The Daily Beast
Silicon Valley, Wake Up! Trump Matters
December 10, 2016
Does it matter that armies of Americans are not sharing the tech-progressive dream right now?
The Daily Beast
The Irony of the Dispossessed: Why Is the World so Angry?
The Next Edward Snowden Will Be a Geneticist
New York Times
Should Science Build a Better You?
Recent News & Tweets
David Hosts “Reimagining Humans” for Arc Fusion
On November 1, 2016, 200 people in SF’s Exploratorium watched conversations from scientists talking about genomics, the brain, the microbiome, longevity, and… – more
David and IDEO’s Bruce MacGregor present Arc + IDEO report on A.I. & Health
For six months Arc Fusion and IDEO have been working on a “framework for the future” on this emerging technology… – more
David Joins IDEO as Health Strategist in Residence
David is working with IDEO in Palo Alto as a part-time “Health Strategist-in-Residence”… more
Latest Social Media
David Ewing Duncan
David Ewing Duncan
David Ewing Duncan