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When I’m 164: The science of radical life extension and what happens if it succeeds (TED)

When I’m 164: The science of radical life extension and what happens if it succeeds (TED)

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“David Duncan makes it clear that immortality may not be all it is hyped up to be. Don't read this unless you want your mind changed.” — Kevin Kelly, Maverick Editor, Wired

Based on a TEDx talk in Brussels, this short ebook takes us through recent breakthroughs in bioscience that might one day allow humans to extend their lifespans through genetics, regenerating tissue, and bionics, to name a few. The book them addresses the philosophical issue of what happens then? What if we succeed – what would this mean for you and for humans? And for the planet?

Check out the When I’m 164 website.

Take the When I’m 164 Survey: How long do you want to live?

How did 33,000 people vote on this question?

Selected Talks

TED Talk: “When I'm 164"

“Who wants to be 150 years old?” Panel with David, Paul Saffo, and Sonia Arrison”, Litquake Festival, SF

“When I’m 164”, TEDx SF

Sampling of Media

Interview with John Hockenberry, “The Takeaway”, NPR

Michael Krazny's “Forum”, KQED Radio

Interview with Dr. Oz

Related Articles Written by David

“How Long do You Want to Live?”, New York Times, 25 August 2012

Atlantic Magazine Series on Longevity, 2011-2012

“How Science Can Build a Better You”, New York Times, 3 November 2012

“A Little Device That's Trying to Read Your Mind”, New York Times, 2 April 2012

“Growing Heart Cells Just for You”, Technology Review, September/October 2011

“The Brain-Computer Interface That Let a Quadriplegic Woman Move a Cup”, The Atlantic, 16 May 2012

“Redesigning People: How Medtech Could Expand Beyond the Injured”, The Atlantic, 27 February 2012

Selected Reviews and Comments

“If I live another 200 years, I don't think I'll read a better or more enjoyable book on the longevity movement. David Ewing Duncan explains the massive impacts age-delay will have — whether sociological, philosophical, financial, medical, you name it — and he does so with his usual clear-eyed balance of open-mindedness and skepticism.” — AJ Jacobs, Drop Dead Healthy

“Duncan, a science journalist and author, looks at some of the latest technological developments that could help humans live well past 100, and also discusses the ethical questions of a planet full of gracefully aging "super-centenarians.” — SF Chronicle

“The question can be posed: 'how long do you want to live? 120 years? 150 years?' David Ewing Duncan asked this question to over 30,000 people... what an interesting inquiry!”— John Hockenberry, “The Takeaway”, Public Radio International

“…on the subject of the book, it's a nice overview of the mountains and canyons there. I'm a bit concerned about your core survey question, though — 'who wants to live forever?' I think you're prejudicing your responses by bringing in a nebulous term like 'forever,' which is basically metaphysical.” Read more — Bruce Sterling, Holy Fire and Distraction