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Science and Arts

Science and Arts

"Finding out the way the world really works requires a mix of hunches, intuition, and brilliant creativity; it also requires skeptical scrutiny of every step. It is the tension between creativity and skepticism that has produced the stunning and unexpected findings of science."

- Carl Sagan, “Night Walkers and Mystery Mongers: Sense and Nonsense at the Edge of Science”

Skeptical Inquirer Volume 10.3, Spring 1986

Una Ryan, Lamella Body I. Freeze-fractured/freeze-etched platinum shadowed electron micropgraph (x1,000,000) image of lamellar bodies, source of pulmonary surfactant. 

Art and science are creative partners; they each flourish by being challenged by and exposed to the other. They are both ways to understand the world and its complexity. At Arc, art informs science and encourages and inspires our discussions. Arc events are a mix of stimulating and thought provoking visual and performing arts along with live performances by well known and up-and-coming musicians.